Friday, July 23, 2010

Roses From Seeds

I've been breeding roses since 1994 and am pleased to have a few, like 'Sarasota Spice' and 'Four Inch Heels' and 'Gold Blush' in limited commerce. I have a fun form of ADDHD and so am surprised at my patience with the process.....months for the hips to form after the hand-pollination, many months or even years of refrigeration before they sprout (I had to wait seven years to see the first bloom on my Hybrid Alba 'Brenda Mowery'), then waiting for the first bloom. It is a THRILL to see that first teensy bud forming on an often TEENSY rose seedlings just 1-2 months old (if it is a repeat-bloomer). Here are some pics of some of my "kids" when they were very young indeed. John


  1. Hi John
    I have about 500 seeds of various roses for seeding. I started sowing in late June, and only got 10, what am I doing wrong?
    Before sowing, bring in seeds in 40 degree water for 24 hours, I've done everything by the book, but I must have done something wrong, let me hear from you, with friendly Erik from Denmark

  2. Hi John I can't thank you enough for your candor, dedication and generosity in sharing.
    I am making a book happen for my great-niece who loves to garden.
