My plant is on the Fortuniana rootstock, and has not been watered or fed for over a year due to the now-gone 'Mermaid' keeping me out of my own front yard for a year. But maybe because of the wonderful El Nino rains this winter it has suddenly gone bonkers. Here are a few views from March 30. It is now blooming much more heavily. Oddly, the three blooms I've torn open had quite a few anthers vs. few-to-none in past years, so I am getting to do dream pollinations using that pollen on 'Duchesse de Brabant' and my own Wichurana/R. gigantea hybrid. I have long wanted to breed with 'Marechal Niel' since learning years ago it was a parent of the stunning old WWII era Hybrid Tea 'Diamond Jubilee'. John
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