Tuesday, April 26, 2011

'Dr. Huey' root stock in Tampa

Each July, Denver is peppered with thousands of bushes of 'Dr. Huey' in full bloom, with the cultivar once budded to it long since killed by the brutal winters. Here in Tampa, modern roses sold on 'Dr. Huey' are often informally viewed as "annuals" due to poor performance and limited lifespans unless grown in pots. While I have over the years here seen several 'Dr. Huey' plants growing long term in yards, I'd never seen them bloom.....until this year. A long time landscape client sent me pics of hers in bloom as she was baffled as she knew she had not bought a rose that looked like that a few years back, and today, on my first long bike ride up Bayshore Blvd. after cracking a few ribs about a month ago, I got an up close look at one grown as a climber whose peak bloom was about 10 days ago. I'd assumed it was a giant 'Knockout' but sure enough it is good old 'Dr. Huey'. Funny how what is seen as a nuisance in Colorado can get a Florida rosarian excited!  This winter and last we had nights with sustained temps of 27 degrees Farenheit.....I can't help but wonder if that was the catalyst for this very rare event.  John

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