Years ago, Patty Barfield of 'Personal Touch Roses' bought several Mystery Roses from a travelling plants sales man though they were not in bloom...he said they were a white climber that grew well in Florida. She called to tell me as she knows I love trying to ID Mystery Roses, so I drove to Dover and bought one. I initially called it (with her permission) "Barfield White Rambler" as the first two years it was a once bloomer. But when it became a repeater I renamed it.
UNBELIEVABLE vigor.....99.9% prickle free. Teased open buds ooze a POTENT fennel/anise scent, a trait of the old super cold hardy Ayshire Ramblers. Totally disease free and I swear the damn thing EATS the soil nematodes that damage so many roses in Florida.
I plant on propagating it heavily this year for sale from my cottage plants business. See below the pages I created for it at HelpMeFind, THE best roses website on the planet!
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