This repeat blooming short climber (here in Tampa) owes its VERY potent cinammon-clove perfume to its parents...the mother was "The Gift" and the Dad was 'Blush Noisette'. I suspect that like both parents, in colder climates it will grow as a low arching shrub. In the morning, that heady perfume carries quite a distance to my back door or the clothesline!
It is avaialable by the respected and reliable mail order firm 'The Antique Rose Emporium' as own root plants in 2 gallon pots. See more photos and information at the HelpMeFind link below:
If you order and grow one, please let me know how it does for you. John
I just bought one of these at the Antique Rose Emporium, John, and was very interested to learn its history. I can't wait to see how it does in my garden. The scent is heavenly!